Education born out of a passion to share knowledge.
For over 75 years, Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO) has specialized in the support of those with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities. Through their extensive history and years of experience collaborating with SCI community members and the broader disability community, SCIO found that education and peer connection are vital to these often underrepresented and underestimated groups. This is why we created Cortree.
Our online learning centre has a variety of courses and video content for you, your loved ones and caregivers. Cortree is your direct line to reliable and relatable information that boosts your confidence, competence and community.
Resolve disputes and conflict faster, saving time and money
Increase individual and organizational satisfaction
Maintain the integrity
of relationships
Promote a co-operative approach to solving problems

Evidence-Based Learning
When you or a family member is newly injured, there are often more questions than answers. We’re here to help. We work with industry experts, health care pros, researchers, disability specialists, and people with lived experience to create courses that are easy – and fun! Our content speaks to our community’s most pressing concerns, from how to choose a wheelchair, to sexuality and disability, to modifying a vehicle, and much more.

Informal Learning: CortreeTV
There is no guidebook to living with a disability. We know that sometimes the best advice comes from those who have been there. These quick informational videos are grounded in the spirit of Peer Support and Independent Living, and created by our vibrant community members: people who get it, who know life with a disability inside out and are excited to share what they know with you. Watch, learn, share, and contribute.
I really enjoyed the Living with Chronic Pain module. The descriptions of pain re: acute, chronic, neuropathic, etc was very clear and the animations helpful too. I was personally moved by the testimonials. I experience chronic pain and manage other chronic health issues, and I felt the personal stories were bang on. This part of the module was very well done. Thank you!
I was very engrossed and moved by the person testimonials. The “stories to tell..” were all very relevant and on point. Thank you for developing excellent content.
It made the discussion of sexuality and sex much more comfortable and easy to understand.
I think the stories and how they were told were fabulous. They made what could be a very dry topic real and gave the whole experience life. It was very well done.
The content is great, easily accessible. The language is clear and the personal testimonials along with professionally curated content make for a really enjoyable learning experience.