Disability Grants in Ontario
Let Cortree Help You Access Government Grants for Canadian Persons Living with Disabilities
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In addition to monthly disability support programs, there are a number of beneficial grants for people living with disabilities in Ontario. These grants help cover the costs of expenses for things like assistive devices and expensive prescriptions. There are even grants for accessibility renovations in Ontario, relating to home and vehicle modifications.
This page will talk about what types of Canadian government grants persons living with disabilities can access, their eligibility criteria and how to apply. If you’d like to learn more about disability assistance programs like the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Disability Benefits, the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), or the Child Disability Benefit (CDB) visit our disability assistance page here [link to /help/disability-assistance/] for more information.
If you’d like to learn more about how to access the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), or the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and the Canada Disability Savings Grants and Bonds, visit our disability support page here.

What are Grants for People with Disabilities?
Unlike monthly payments and support programs, Ontario disability grants are financial benefits that are designed to help people living with disabilities in Ontario manage costs associated with making specific aspects of life accessible.

Understanding Available Funds & Opportunities for Persons Living with Disabilities in Ontario
There are a number of different opportunities for persons with disabilities in Ontario to get funds back from the government in the form of tax credits, as well as financial coverage for certain costs like medications.
This includes home and vehicle grants for accessibility renovations in Ontario, and as well as programs like Easter Seals Financial Assistance and Ontario Renovates that specialize in helping people with disabilities manage costs associated with home modifications, equipment, and supplies.
The Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is a useful program for people living with long-term physical disabilities, which provides grants to pay for customized equipment and supplies they may require.
This benefit covers up to 75% of the costs associated with eligible supplies and equipment.
This includes assistive devices and supplies, such as:
- Visual aids
- Facial prosthetics
- Artificial eyes
- Communication aids
- Mobility aids
- Compression garments
- Custom orthotic braces
- Lymphedema pumps
- Home oxygen therapy
- Hearing aids (and other auditory assistive devices)
- Prosthetic limbs
- Ostomy supplies
- Enteral-feeding pumps
- Respiratory supplies and equipment
- Diabetic supplies and equipment
In order to be eligible, you must be an Ontario resident with a disability that requires supplies or equipment for a minimum of six months. You must also have a valid Ontario Health Card.
You can find information on how to apply for specific types of equipment and supplies here.
The Home & Vehicle Modification Program (HVMP) is a grant program organized by the March of Dimes Canada and funded by the Government of Ontario, designed to assist people living with disabilities in Ontario pay for necessary renovations or retrofits to their vehicles and homes.
In order to be eligible, you must be living with a disability that affects your mobility and daily function. You must also require financial assistance in order to perform these modifications, so that you can maximize your ability to participate in your community independently. A Service Coordinator from the Ministry of Community and Social Services will be responsible for determining whether you’re eligible for the HVMP.
If you’re determined to be eligible, you could receive as much as $15,000 in lifetime home modifications, and/or $15,000 in vehicle modifications every ten years.
If you’d like to apply for the HVMP, you can find application forms here.
The Ontario Renovates Program is another grant for accessibility renovations for Ontario residents.
This grant is a forgivable loan for up to $25,000 for low to moderate income households, in order to assist with certain major repairs, renovations and accessibility modifications. The loan is arranged as an interest-free lien on the property or mortgage. Then 10% of the loan is forgiven each year over the course of ten years, with no expectation of repayment.
Typically, these modifications fall into three categories:
- Safety
- Energy Efficiency
- Accessibility
For more information on how to apply, visit the Ontario Renovates Program page here.
Easter Seals Ontario provides financial grants for families that have children or youth with physical disabilities through their Equipment Funding Program.
In order to be eligible, the child living with a disability must be:
- Under the age of 19
- Registered with Easter Seals Ontario
- A legal resident of Ontario
The child must have a disability that restricts their ability to be independently mobile, resulting in the use of a primary mobility device. They must also have a valid Ontario Health Card.
For more information on how to register for Easter Seals Ontario and apply for the Equipment Funding Program, visit the Easter Seals page here.
In addition to the grants for accessibility renovations in Ontario, you may be able to access the Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC).
This is a non-refundable tax credit designed to cover expenses or goods acquired relating to a qualifying renovation on an eligible dwelling.
In order to be eligible, you must already be eligible to claim the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), or be over the age of 65 at the end of the tax year.
If you’d like to learn more about what could qualify as an eligible dwelling and how to apply, you can visit the Government of Canada’s page here for more information.
For people that are living with disabilities, but don’t have insurance to cover prescription costs, the financial burden associated with prescription medications can be overwhelming. Thankfully, the Trillium Drug Program is a Canadian government grant for persons living with Disabilities, as well as anyone else who requires high-cost prescription medications compared to their household income.
In order to be eligible, you don’t actually have to have a disability. However, you must:
- Be an Ontario resident
- Have a valid Ontario Health Card
- NOT be enrolled in the Ontario Drug Benefit Programs (such as Ontario Works)
- NOT have insurance that covers 100% of your medications
- Spend at least 4% of your after-tax household income on prescription medications
If you’d like more information on the types of medications that are covered by the Trillium Drug Program and how to apply, visit the page here for more information.
Additional Resources You Can Access Through Cortree
On top of all these disability grants in Ontario, Cortree has a variety of useful resources that you can access when you register with us. These resources will offer information that you can use to make life more inclusive for yourself or your loved ones living with disabilities.
Reach out today, and start taking advantage of our helpful learning plans and educational modules. These resources can be a fantastic learning tool for you and your loved ones to begin making everyday life more accessible.